the concept of flow is crucial to the art of mountain biking. it’s the state when things start to happen almost effortlessly, trail and bike become one, time is fluid, space relative, gravity a mere sidenote; a state of bliss that i hear takes years to achieve when practicing yoga. no wonder, yoga is about as exciting as watching the proverbial paint dry on a particularly unexciting wall. on top of that yoga looks decidedly painful which is probably because it does not involve wheels or the element of speed. how that leads to any sort of even moderate enlightenment is totally beyond me. sounds like a scam.

enough about the disadvantages of yoga: as i was saying flow is the blessed state we mountain bikers aim to spend as much time as possible in, where mind, body and the surrounding nature become one, a state of complete weightlessness that allows us to unite with the universe, figuratively speaking. note: for the unfortunate case when we approach a physically state of oneness with nature in the form of say a sturdy tree or substantial rock we wear protective gear and take out health insurance.

but that’s beside the point. watch nat in the video below achieve perfect flow, experience a little disturbance in the force, and then transcend back into the state of blissful gravity-fed enlightenment.

not bad my little padawan; may you remain perpetually stoked. (you should try it too richa!)

try that dear smelly-gym-locked contortionists.