richa responded to my earlier post. she called me out – and rightly so. my irrational dislike of yoga is of course only due to my complete and utter inability to actually perform any of the exercises (busted). the mere thought of a downward dog causes me severe vertigo and i’d rather hit a tree than pose as one. my limbs don’t bend in the required directions to try a cow face. i’ll never be cow faced, sad but true.

ok let me put it this way: some people need to slow down to achieve enlightenment, i need to speed up. here is a section of the aptly named flowtown trail in falls creek.

it’s a shame the trail has an end. or maybe it is a blessing (see what i did there) to prevent people like me from forgetting there is an alternate reality where we need to eat, sleep and earn money.

as an aside watch nat push herself trying to keep up with laura and sarah who we met there. they are two unbelievably talented and lightning fast girls from queensland who already operate on a far superior level of flow. thanks for hanging with us!