
it’s always fun to ‘improve’ a bike for little money. it’s usually also quick and easy. the downside: it usually also does next to nothing. like these great titanium bolts from china. $2 each, so not really a massive expense. they also weigh 40% less than the original steel bolts. which is great until you…

enduro training.

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valve stems.

how hard can it be? i mean really? everyone has been running tubeless for years and it’s really nothing special. actually not running tubeless is probably special these days. to run a tubeless setup one needs a really good valve stem. again, not a big deal there are so many out there. the trick is…


last time at the rollercoaster in canberra i met a lady with her daughter (pushing her & her daughter’s bike up the hill as every good mum would). nicole and i started talking and it turned out her daughter was the same age as natalie. there are not that many girls riding mountain bike (i mean…