there is the rule that if something can’t be fixed with duct tape … you’re not using enough duct tape. so we went a little feral, but i’m sure this is fine.

so here’s our duct-tape-guerilla-rig of a stormwater pipe re-direction designed to fill the firefighting water tank – the combined 48,000 liter of rain water storage next to the house have been filled up to the brim during the deluge last weekend. and since the weekend will be rainy again, this has to be the perfect time to get it filled up.

we technically only need to fill it once, it is not connected to the house water supply. and if we never have a fire – and we sure hope we never will – we’ll never need to refill it, so the whole rig is just temporary. according to our calculations we’ll need a bit more than 40 mm of rain to fill it up, which the bureau of meteorology (apparently considering renaming itself to ‘the bureau’ – not creepy at all for people who are watching all of us using their satellites all day long) is predicting will happen this coming weekend.

anywho, here is a shots ‘the bureau’ could have taken. there is even a shady figure hiding in the shades (on the way between the house and the shed). but since we have a tin foil roof the bureau won’t be able to see what we’re hiding inside.

we’re really not hiding an awful lot at this point, but we now have almost actual real walls. we really should start packing …

and here is another satellite image: you can see the work that has gone into landscaping around the house. the rock gardens are all well sorted, and we’re hoping to get the grass growing before summer comes along, although with a la nina prediction there might be more rain than sunshine. we’ll see.

update: and it’s full! one day & 40 mm of rain. it’s a big roof …