the plan was to go to texel, a small island in the north of the netherlands, have a nice little trip around, have a cappuccino & some apple tart and a boat ride to see the seals lying on the sand banks.
the plan changed because we found it was too windy. it was rather windy, and of course it would have been much worse on the seaside. so we went riding the bike instead.
which, with hindsight, was not such a good idea after all.
in the beginning it all went well, i did a few rounds on a grassy course we use to practise turns & it actually went pretty well. too well, maybe.
i was having fun for about a quarter of an hour, when suddenly, as i was just about to turn back to the beginning of the course, the bike hit a hole in the ground.
the rest went all pretty fast: hole hit front wheel, 30 cm suspension travel was gone in a sec, handlebar hits my chest and my right hand.
the result:
i’ll survive. the bike does not even have a scratch (of course), but my right hand looks like a sausage. 😉 hope it is not broken, now, that i finally managed to pay the enduro course in tuscany. 😉
would be a pity.
so: i had a nice weekend, how about you?