bad weather – great sailing.

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water ways.

living on top of a hill (it’s only 60m above sea level, but still) has its perks. since we moved here we have seen the george river inundate the flood plain below on a number of occasions, and the causeway had to be closed several times as well. around our new home we have been…

raising the bar.

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29ers are a go.

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it’s raining. all the time. really hard, actually. i guess this is why the renderers have decided to delay someone else’s job to come and work on our house instead. strictly inside, of course. it’s far too wet outside. inside, too: apparently we had a bit of a water feature going on inside our new…

some assembly required.

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needs more duct tape?

there is the rule that if something can’t be fixed with duct tape … you’re not using enough duct tape. so we went a little feral, but i’m sure this is fine. so here’s our duct-tape-guerilla-rig of a stormwater pipe re-direction designed to fill the firefighting water tank – the combined 48,000 liter of rain…

blink & you miss it.

things are moving really fast now, which, given how much of a random walk building projects seem to be, will likely mean they’ll slow down even faster in the near future. but hey, one can only keep one’s fingers crossed and hope, right? i spent today moving a whole bunch of really large rocks into…

keep the pointy side up.

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tidying up – a bit.

things are starting to shape up inside the house: all the cavity slider cavities are in place, doorways and required bracing have been installed, and most of the tools and materials are now being stored in the house, rather than in unsightly stacks around it. as a result the container has moved on to bigger…