does 25 years sound like a lot? i know, sometimes 5 minutes can feel like a lot. at other occasions time could really get a move on but seems to stand still. i remember a few meetings that felt like that.
there are two things regarding the photo above that i continue to be unsure about. what was i doing with those huge glasses and how was i able to trick this amazing girl into becoming my wife …
that was in 1993 and today kris and i celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary, colloquially known as silver anniversary. it feels really strange: on the one hand we’ve been through so much together in all these years and if anything we’ve grown closer than we ever thought possible. we can even finish each others’ sandwiches (unless there is avocado in them, then i won’t touch it – and kris doesn’t like peanut butter). on the other hand the time has just gone by in a blink and it seems like we need more time together. much more.
every day i count myself very lucky to have found my soulmate, someone without whom my life – and more importantly: i! – would not be complete. i hope there will not be many days in the next 25 years i will have to spend without kris.
ps: we also said farewell to my mum yesterday. she left for austria after travelling with us of a month.
Gyerekek, nagyon boldogok vagyunk, hogy 25+ év alatt ennyire osszecsiszolodtatok, és hogy ennyire szeretitek ti hárman egymast! Megható volt olvasni HG aranyos érzéseit. Legyetek boldogok az összes hátralevő időtőkben, akarmennyi is az. Nekünk, szülőknek az a legnagyobb orom és boldogság, ha látjuk, érezzük, hogy gyerekeink és unokáink boldogok. Köszönjük nektek! PPP Tünde és Laci.