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2 thoughts on “my exmouth”

  1. this just in. nat’s friend mentioned an operation he was part in in the waters off east timor. a fleet of 15 boats were suspected of illegal fishing and transferring the catch to bigger boats. with the help of sea shepherd the fleet was raided by authorities and evidence of illegal fishing found. the boats were impounded, the crew arrested and the catch … good question.
    just recently the abc reported that the crew was released, the boats returned and the catch surrendered by east timor – for a fee of $100.000. it appears that nobody knows who received it and why, since the responsible minister said the fleet did nothing wrong. strange.

  2. De jó, hogy találkoztál ezekkel a fickókkal, valóban sok érdekeset meséltek, te meg izgalmasan továbbadod nekünk! A kvízben nem tudunk segíteni, azokra a kérdésekre te sokkal jobban tudod a válaszokat ( ha nem is mindegyikre, ezért bizony jól jön, ha valaki segít a hallgatóságból 🙂 Izgatottan várjuk a további beszámolóidat! Köszönjük Tünde és Laci

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