i’m starting to question my choice of title for this series of posts; it really doesn’t feel like progress towards an actual structure, at least not in the sense that something purposeful is achieved in a given time frame through a deliberate and sustained effort. i mean we’re now at post 10 – and at least a month past the original deadline! the slab has been ready for 2 months and the peters started a month ago (tomorrow). does this sound like a long time?
my impression is we’re inching towards an outcome that has become not so much inevitable and than merely aspirational, much in the way that a logarithmic function might asymptotically approach a limit value without ever actually getting there. too pessimistic?
nevertheless, as of yesterday we achieved the impressive high water mark of 4.2 walls, out of a total of 5.5. by the way that unlikely number is the result of our choice to have one additional internal wall (kris’ little shack within the shed) and an open bay that has half a wall for structural reasons.
and today this was yet again surpassed to reach the incredible 4.8 walls (still out of 5.5). ever the optimist i was of course expecting to get at least to a full 5 walls, but we missed that gorgeous round number because peter and peter had to drive to launceston after lunch to pick up additional materials required to be able to construct the 0.5 wall of the open bay. tomorrow, maybe?
and then there is the final crowning achievement, essentially the capstone of shed building: the roof, which does not only require dry weather but also a really wind still day. not a frequent occurrence here in st helens. oh well, maybe next week?
ps: one day later and we have officially achieved a full 5 walls, still very much short of 5.5. then there is a roof and four roller doors. does it looks like the further we’re getting into the process the slower we progress? don’t ask …