back to the drawing board.

the burrup peninsula. famous for two things: mining operations and aboriginal rock art. this tiny planet sums it up: the hills of red rocks with art among the oldest on the planet on one side, a gas plant on the other. to us this may look like nothing more than a field of rubble, and…

good bye ningaloo.

when we planned the trip i was adamant i wanted to spendĀ  a lot of time in coral bay and exmouth – kris wasn’t sure it was going to be worth it. fair enough: she isn’t particularly confident in the water, doesn’t dive and doesn’t really enjoy boats either. ask her now. seeing a brilliantly…

my exmouth

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yardie creek.

we still remember yardie creek from our first visit here (in late 2005). it’s one of those ‘could have been worse’ things: worse, as in ‘the car could have been swept out to sea’ which i don’t think would have qualified as covered under the ‘normal use’ insurance policy. we got stuck trying to drive…

cape range.

we have stayed in and around exmouth for a while now and there is a good reason for this. of all the amazing places in australia this part has always been one of my absolute favourites. exmouth is located near the tip of a peninsula, with the exmouth gulf on one side and ningaloo on…

update day.

finally the exams are out fo the way and i can focus on a little bit of tinkering instead. this is an accumulator tank. it’s small but it has a secret hidden inside: a bladder filled with air. the tank fills until the pressure is equalized. conversely when a tap is opened the bladder empties…

packing up.

more fun with technology. this time i used the phone to take a time lapse series of us packing up the caravan. i don’t think i got the settings quite right, it’s a bit too fast. anyway, this is what it takes to pack everything up and fold down the van. about 30 minutes, comfortably.…

sunrise over ningaloo.

we’ve been a little preoccupied lately and have not been able to enjoy ningaloo as much as we would have wanted to. the weather has not been perfect either. it stopped raining quickly after the post last time, it really was only wet for one night. but we had some strong winds which churned up…

my station stay

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