heading north.

today we started our journey north. we started in busselton, best known for it’s jetty. construction on the jetty started in 1853 and the jetty was extended multiple times until the 1960ies. it is almost 2km long and the longest wooden jetty in the world! when it reached it’s use-by date – i.e. when the…

leaving the south west.

we really enjoyed the south west. first we visited the amazing beaches on the south coast, from esperance to albany. then we drove through the forests around denmark and walked among the massive tingles, jarrahs and karri trees. and last we spent time in the area between augusta and busselton and enjoyed the food and sights in…

my perth.

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70 years.

not me, land rover. happy birthday! i’m not a fan boy but we’ve had a few over the years. back in hungary i had a white defender 90 (made in 1991) and kris raced (yes, raced, she was even on tv, see above) a first generation range rover with a 3.5l v8 engine, it must…

the biggest rats ever.

‘dear mummy, we have made good progress across the indian ocean, towards batavia. we were gunning along at great speed when we suddenly came across this inconveniently located landmass where we are expected to look for our wayward colleagues – no sign of them yet. we tried to see if we could strike up trading…

continuous improvement enlightenment.

i believe the car, the caravan and i have now attained the highest possible level of continuous improvement awareness: we no longer need to strive, plan, adjust or even communicate … improvement just happens naturally, but itself, and of course (you guessed it): continuously. let me give you an example: yesterday i dropped the car…

my perspective.

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my hamelin bay

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tinker tinker little car.

i admit this is a bit lame, but just go with it, ok? kris is already joking about how i constantly ‘improve’ the car and the caravan. and i admit that just enjoying both is not even half as exciting as thinking up ways to make them work better. or be more reliable. or whatever.…