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bits and bobs.

it’s amazing how you don’t notice kids growing up. i mean you really don’t see how they get taller when you have them beside you every day. the rate at which you need to buy new clothes offers some hints, e.g. when the pants you just bought a month ago hardly cover the top of…

race day.

initially we were a bit disappointed when about two weeks ago the gravity girls clinic got cancelled due to a snowstorm. in hindsight that was a stroke of luck: our canberra friends al and tash convinced us to reschedule the trip and come up for the cannonball festival instead and that was one of the…


remember we sort of missed out on nat’s gravity girls clinic in thredbo due to bad weather. the weather is infinitely better now and as an added bonus there is a little bike festival called cannonball on at the moment and we enjoy the buzz. most big manufacturers are in town and a lot of…

junior upgrade.

nat was really excited about being back on the bike and she clearly showed us she hadn’t forgotten anything either. it’s like riding a bike, right? of course being the expert she has become she pointed out that in order to be even faster the bike needed to be tweaked … just a little. and…


when the weather changed our plans we were initially a bit disappointed. nat was really looking forward to the gravity girls and we all hoped to spend time in thredbo. but then that’s just life and we moved on. nat and I rode western wedgetail / pork barrel / double dissolution (this is canberra after…

thredbo here we come.

except we aren’t coming. or more to the point: we are but we decided to make a little detour. natalie was enrolled in another ‘gravity girls’ clinic for sunday, so we packed the car, put the bikes on the rack and went on our merry way – what’s a mere 600 km to us these…

the cradle.

a while ago i wrote that one thing we still wanted for our karavan was a firewood cradle. well it’s called a firewood cradle but nobody ever said that’s all that can go I there and we often felt that we would prefer to carry dirty items outside the van, not in the cabin or…


we had a really amazing trip (I sound like a teenager) but one thing both natalie and i really missed while we were away were our bikes. especially since we did our own little tour of the alps before we set out on the big lap. we are planning a similar trip to our favourite…